Friday, June 22, 2012

Not chasing pussy again

Here it is not five days after filing our divorce papers and your making the rounds, I just cant get past you having A's number. This girl was childhood friends with our kids, shes barely 22. what does a 70 year old man and a 22 year old discuss? I wonder would she give you the time of day if it wasn't for $$$$$?,and calling Sh again. tsk tsk last we spoke of her you with a sneer on your face told me how completely uninterested you were in the likes of her. Gold diggers... like hookers but smarter. I cant wait for karma to kick your ass. Is it wrong to think that and will karma now come after me? After confronting the sicko he claims he took this umm "girl" to the finest french restaurant in town to discuss her living at the house and attending to his needs I mean looking after things, since he "is never going to be there" umm ok then why not have our own 21 yr old D stay with you instead of forcing her to move with me?? and smart move ...take her to a 150$ meal to work out the details riiiiiight.... lying bastard.Delusional.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

D day.... filing anyway

I know I mentioned it somewhere (not sure where) that we filed the papers for divorce on 6/15/2012. Amazingly the first person he didn't call was S. Though he did call the 22 year old ,funny how history just repeats itself. 27 years ago I was the 18 year old he was calling while "separated" from his wife. Now that my heads clearing from the daze of brainwashing and childbearing, I am incredibly embarrassed at the B.S I put up with, I mean come on how could I miss so much? why did I convince myself that "oh its not reeaaaaaly like that right?" well yea it was and probably worse than what I even suspect and already know. I fully expect upon his passing something similiar to the series "brothers and sisters" where the dad dies and they find out he was nothing like the man they thought, he had a complete alter life ..wait what am I saying? I already know that narc (soon to be ex) has one, see there I go again giving him the benefit of a "maybe"....